23-25 Vine Street | Whangarei

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Introducing Ian & Janet Sturt

Owner Operators

As many of you know, Janet and Ian moved out of their cafe in September 2019 and into their BIG Black Food Truck. Since making that move, their adventures have taken them to Tutukaka, Ngunguru and Mangawhai. They have also done a few one-offs like Artbeat, Whananaki, Mangawhai Gala Day and the Vegan Expo, just to name a few.

Janet and Ian absolutely loved working the Food Truck, until Covid came along and all Markets and Events were cancelled. This prompted a business structure change. They decided to concentrate on building up their Sourdough Bread range and sourcing new Retail outlets. This proved to be a good move and their Artisan Breads are in shops and café`s from Paparoa up to Russell. Check out the “Our People” page to see a list of all outlets.

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